首頁 > 漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 37 第三十七期

漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 37 第三十七期

Jun 2024

Articles 一般論文:

The Basel Mission Museum Exhibitions and the Construction of the Image of Chinese Culture in German-Speaking Europe (1900–1940) 巴色會博物館展覽和中國文化形象在歐洲德語區的建構 (1900–1940)Lei LI 李蕾       
舊約中的基督與經文當代化—潘霍華在芬根瓦德時期的聖經詮釋 “Christ in the Old Testament” and “Contemporizing the Texts”—Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Biblical Interpretation in the Finkenwalde Period歐力仁 Ou, Li-Jen
基督教視域內的責任倫理—兼論朋霍費爾的責任倫理思想 The Ethics of Responsibility from the Christian Perspective
—Bonhoeffer’s Ethics of Responsibility
王玉靜 WANG Yujing
聖多瑪斯論勇德:兼論田立克的勇氣觀 St. Thomas Aquinas on Fortitudo as a Cardinal Virtue: With Special Reference to Paul Tillich’s Perspective on Courage王濤 WANG Tao
書寫女性聖徒:以《辛克萊蒂卡傳》為例 Writing a Holy Woman: Vita Syncletica as an Example崔國瑜 Kuo-Yu Tsui
康德哲學中靈魂不朽與普遍歷史的關係 The Relationship between Immortality of Soul and Universal History
in Kant’s Philosophy
劉鳳娟 Fengjuan Liu

Reviews 評論:

孫帥。《抽空:加爾文與現代秩序的興起》 Sung, Shuai. Deconstruction of Internality, Calvin and the Rise of Modern Order.譚研 Tan Yan
薛維華。《邊緣風景:漢學期刊研究視域中的〈教務雜誌〉》 Xue, Wei Hua. Marginal Scenery: The Chinese Recorder in the Perspective of Sinology Journal Research.王麗君 Wang li Jun
張先清。《帝國潛流:清代前期的天主教、底層秩序與生活世界》 Zhang Xian Qing. Imperial Undercurrent: Catholicism, Bottom Order and Life World in the Early Qing Dynasty.吳巍巍 Wu Wei Wei
Jifeng Liu. Negotiating the Christian Past in China: Memory and Missions in Contemporary Xiamen.Kevin Xiyi Yao 姚西伊