首頁 > 漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 27 第二十七期

漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 27 第二十七期

Jun 2019

Articles 一般論文:

Confraternities in Shanghai from the Late Ming to Early Qing明末清初上海耶穌會所設信徒團體Xijuan Shi 史習雋
「脫凡入聖」:明末清初天主教關於「聖」的言說To be Holy:Discourses on the Sheng (Holy) by Catholicism in Late Ming and Early Qing肖清和 Xiao Qinghe
非戰的耶穌?唯愛主義、民國基督徒知識分子的福音書詮釋與耶穌形象的公共性A Non-Violent Jesus?Pacifism, Christian Intellectuals’ Interpretation of the Gospels, and thePublicness of Images of Jesus in Republican China王志希 Wang Zhixi
長征路上的紅色基督徒醫生傅連暲Fu Lianzhang:A Christian Communist Medical Doctor in the Long March曾慶豹 Chin Kenpa
尼撒的貴格利晚期釋經著作中的方法與神學蘊意Methodology and Theological Implications in Gregory of Nyssa’s LateExegetical Works黃路蘋 Huang Luping
施賴爾馬赫是經驗–表現論者嗎?回應林貝克–普勞德福特對施賴爾馬赫的神學所做的經典批判Is Schleiermacher an Exponent of Experiential-Expressive Model?A Response to Lindbeck-Proudfoot’s Classical Critique of Schleiermacher’s Theology張雲濤 Zhang Yuntao

Reviews 評論:

Rebhun, Uzi. Jews and the American Religious Landscape.睿本。《猶太人與美國宗教景觀》。Jian Xie 謝健
Ma, Li, and Jin Li. Surviving the State, Remaking the Church:A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China.馬麗、李晉。《在掙扎與重塑中:中國大陸基督徒的社會學肖像》。Yang Jiang-Hua 楊江華
潘知常。《頭頂的星空:美學與終極關懷》。Pan, Zhichang. Starry Sky above the Head: Aesthetics and Ultimate Concern.翟崇光 Zhai Chongguang

Academic News 學術動態:

第十屆近代中國基督教史國際學術研討會The 10th International Symposium on the History of Christianity in Modern China                      王曉靜 Marina Xiaojing Wang
「社會參與.靈性.靈恩」Social Engagement, Spirituality, and Charisma葉先秦 Iap Sian-chin