首頁 > 漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 30 第三十期

漢語基督教學術論評 Issue 30 第三十期

Dec 2020

Articles 一般論文:

Free Reason / Free Will: An Exposition and Critique of Sam Harris’ Argument Against Free Will 自由理性/自由意志:對山姆.哈里斯反自由意志論據的解説與批判Leonard P. Wessell, Jr. 威瑟爾
基督與凱撒:馬太福音中神權與王權的關係  Christ and Caesar: On the Relationship between Theocracy and Kingship according to the Gospel of Matthew謝伊霖 Xie Yilin
奧古斯丁《上帝之城》中的兩種戰爭 Two Types of War in Augustine’s The City of God邵鐵峰 Tiefeng Shao
賦魂與人化:聖多瑪斯.亞奎納的胚胎發生哲學 Ensoulment and Hominization: St. Thomas Aquinas’ Philosophical Embryogenesis王濤  WANG Tao, Anthony
佔有,亦或興建? 列維納斯對「應許之地」的詮釋與其哲思脈絡 Possession or Construction? Levinas’ Interpretation of “Promised Land” and its Philosophical Context項溢煦 Xiang Yi-xu
體系性宗教詮釋學之類型學基本構思:從宗教哲學定/意義之詮釋學轉向談起 The Basic Conception of Typology of Systemic Hermeneutics of Religion: Beginning from Hermeneutic Turn of the Definition and Meaning of Philosophy of Religion陸敬忠 Jing-Jong Luh

Reviews 評論:

Mak, George Kan Wah. Protestant Bible Translation and Mandarin as  the National Language of China 麥金華。《新教聖經翻譯與作爲國語的官話》。王志希 Wang Zhixi
Sabella, Jeremy. An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story. 薩貝拉。《美國良心:萊茵霍爾德.尼布爾的故事》。黃路蘋 Huang Luping
王政文。《天路歷程: 清末台灣基督教徒的改宗與認同》。 Wang, Cheng Wen. Pilgram’s Progress: Conversion and Identity of Early Christian in Ching Taiwan.吳巍巍 Wu Wei-wei
錢鎖橋。《林語堂傳:中國文化重生之道》。Qian, Suoqiao. Lin Yutang and China’s Search for Modern Rebirth. 王志希 Wang Zhixi